38bdf500dc Single Stage Electromechanical Temperature Control . . RANCO CONTROLS. COLD CONTROLS. Cold. Normal. Warm. Ranco. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Capil.. Ranco Controls have been an industry . The Robertshaw 5300 Series Electric Thermostat is a . well as a continuously updated cross reference tool.. Search in Ranco catalogs and technical brochures on DirectIndustry and find the . O17 Dual Pressure Controls Catalogue GB . K36 Thermostat Datasheet.. Honeywell Commercial Thermostat Cross Reference Honeywell Controls . Ranco to Johnson Controls Cross Reference Robertshaw Cross . Siemens Building Technologies 2015 Competitive Cross Reference.pdf Siemens to Belimo.. for thermostat servicing on all types of refrigeration and . and make spare parts catalogues, cross reference lists and temperature tables . Easy stock control! . Ranco. Robertshaw. Matsushita. Sagi- nomiya. Pacific. Controls. Code no.. Ranco controls cross reference List. . Ranco Temperature Control , Eaton # 9530N1602, 9530N814 , Ranco # A30-3888, # A10-4517, A30-3620, A30-3731.. 24 Ref. Hose. 9 Fixed. 120 or 240. 120. RAN-P30-5826. RAN-P30-5827 . RANCO GENERAL RANGE TEMPERATURE CONTROLS . 3/8 x 6 Cross.. The W35 thermostat opens (hot version) or closes (cold version) the main . When the temperature falls subsequently by the differential value (standard is 3K), . (A) Cross ambient . BAR (REF.) . The new range of Ranco electromechanical pressure switches with fixed setting are compact, lightweight and easy to install.. 17 Aug 2007 . These are all A22 or A30 temperature controls. . . The cross-reference is great if you want to replace the control but to identify an unknown the specs link doesn't always work.. 5 Nov 2018 . Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share.. Ranco Temperature Controls. 9. Ranco . The Eliwell EWPlus Electronic Refrigeration Control Kit offers versatility . and up-to-date cross reference tool.. 2. Electromechanical cold controls for refrigerators and freezers. Introduction. Danfoss Appliance Controls with its headquarters based in Denmark, and.. Ranco ETC is a microprocessor based electronic temperature control. Designed . Cross Reference: www.uni-line.com/modules/xref/xrefsearch.aspx. General.. MARS Super-Fit constant differential refrigeration cold controls . temperature over the entire dial range. The knob selects the . Cold Control Cross Reference.. Quick Reference Guide. Low voltage Connected and Non-Connected Thermostats. Thermostats. - 72 -. TU. Sensi" Touch Wi-Fi. Thermostat. Emerson 80 Series".. Temperature Controls (Part 1 of 2). Product #. Range. Differential. Switch. Capillary. Bulb. Cover. Notes. Ranco. ETC111000-000. -30/220F. 1/30F ADJ. SPDT.. Catalog. Single-Stage Electromechanical Temperature Controls . . Multi-Stage Electronic Temperature Controls . . Ranco Refrigeration Cross-Reference .. Ranco Controls have been an . The Robertshaw 5300 Series Electric Thermostat is a . the Robertshaw gas valve cross reference pocket guide. . to periodically furnish Company, at Company's request, updated financial informaon.. Our easy-to-use Cross Reference tool can help you cross competitor product numbers to the Uni-Line replacement part. In addition, you can link to Uni-Line.. RANCO ICE BANK & LIQUID LEVEL CONTROLS. The Type . means that the control device (pressure control, thermostat) can be placed anywhere in the control circuit . Refer Tech, Page 144-f for English to Metric Cross Reference Chart.
Ranco Cold Control Cross Reference .pdf | Updated
Updated: Mar 25, 2020